Thank you for your interest in Lean Inc. and learning the tips and tricks to prospecting effectively on LinkedIn.
The first step is to fill out the form below so that we can email you your guide. Also, answer a few questions so that we know who you are and we can be confident these valuable tips and tricks do not fall into the hands of one of your competitors.
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Now that you have signed up to received our guide, did you know that Lean Inc. offers a Lead Generation service for LinkedIn?
We research the decision-makers in your territory you are not yet connected to, invite them to connect, add them to your network, and then start communicating with them to generate rapport. When they are ready to buy, you step in.
Here is our process:
- Find decision-makers in your APR
- Invite them to connect
- Send them a follow-up note
- Endorse them for their talents and skills
- Ask them to follow your company LinkedIn page
- Endorse them again for a different skill
- Send them a relevant news article
- Send them a brochure
- Send them a link to a promotion
- Introduce them to different storage equipment
- Invite them to meet and discuss needs
- Follow up with product ideas
Our service is very inexpensive, and you only need one successful lead to pay for the whole year.
Let’s meet to discuss if Lean Lead Generation is right for you: