Your LinkedIn profile is your personal brand. If you are like most people, you spent some time polishing your personal brand while looking for a job, but now that you have a job, you have not touched your personal profile. You think will get to it later. Now is the time for a LinkedIn profile makeover.

But did you know that 87% of executives will research your LinkedIn profile before accepting a meeting request from you. Additionally, they will look at your profile to see if they can trust you and try to determine if a business relationship is even possible.

Improve your personal brand with a LinkedIn Profile Makeover

Lean Inc, as part of its Lean Lead Generation suite of services, provides a full LinkedIn profile makeover.


What is Your Personal Brand Score?

Click on the image below which shows a series of graphs measuring a person’s personal brand on LinkedIn. This score measures how effectively you are using LinkedIn to build your personal brand. Have LinkedIn tell you if you need a personal brand makeover.


Need Help Building Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn?

Increase your Linkedin views and conversions from your target audience with your new, eye-catching, and expertly-written LinkedIn profile makeover. This is what you get:

  • Complete profile audit
  • 1 on 1 expert profile consultation call
  • Customised public profile URL
  • Profile picture & background recommendations
  • Captivating headline to attract attention
  • SEO & keyword optimised summary
  • Job experience optimisation
  • Skills and endorsements overview

Price: $245

Contact us for details

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